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Software Directory/Folder Structure

By default, the Windows version of the Orphalese Software program is installed into the C:\Program Files (x86)\Orphalese\Orphalese Tarot Folder.

A sub-folder system is automatically created in the My Documents folder to store the Orphalese Software data (Decks/Packs, Readings, Spreads, Collections, Deck Subsets, Tiles etc).

Software FoldersSoftware Folders


.XML Files

Folders and files follow a specific naming convention so that the program can recognise them. Data is stored within .XML files:


.XML Files.XML Files
XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. A markup language is used to annotate text or add additional information. These annotations are not shown to the end-user, but are needed by the program to read and subsequently process the text correctly.

XML Files are saved in the following Folders:


Collections Folder

The ..\My Documents\Orphalese Tarot\Collections Folder stores files containing information about the Orphalese Collections.


Collections FolderCollections Folder


Packs/Decks Folder

The ..\My Documents\Orphalese Tarot\Packs Folder stores files containing information about the Orphalese Decks.

Packs FolderPacks Folder


Readings Folder

The ..\My Documents\Orphalese Tarot\Readings Folder stores files containing information about the Orphalese Readings.


Readings FoldersReadings Folders


Spreads Folder

The ..\My Documents\Orphalese Tarot\Spreads Folder stores files containing information about the Orphalese Spreads.


Spreads FolderSpreads Folder


Subsets Folder

The ..\My Documents\Orphalese Tarot\SubsetsFolder stores files containing information about the Orphalese Subsets.


Subsets FolderSubsets Folder


Tiles Folder

The ..\My Documents\Orphalese Tarot\Tiles Folder stores files containing information about the Orphalese Tiles that can be used as Desktop Backgrounds.


Tiles FolderTiles Folder


Alternative Folder Location

Orphalese Options - FoldersOrphalese Options - Folders













The Decks, Spreads and Readings Folder locations are stored, and can be customised, in the Orphalese Options - Folders tab should alternative folder locations be preferred.


Deck Browsing Limit

Deck Browsing LimitDeck Browsing Limit

Note: The program looks for the Packs and Spreads folders (including nested sub-folders) when building the My Decks and My Spreads menu lists. For time and resource efficiency, the data folder should not be located at the root (C:\) or top-level directory as the program performs a count of sub-directories and will not allow you to specify a directory with more than 300 folders. Use this field to set a higher folder-limit number.